Inside Engine

Forged Connecting Rods

Wide variety of forged connecting rods. These parts are projected with exclusive design to increase resistence with low weight. We have connecting rods that supports 450, 500 and 1000CV.

R/L Relation

We offer several dimensions so you can have more engine's configuration options, to meet various engines models or give bigger configuration range. Longer conneting rods, for example, since you combine with a low piston, you have less R/L, therefore, you have more agile engine.

To can offer a good and light connecting rod, we have to handle high technology using computerized simulations in the project and, after the manufacture, submit the materials to strict chemical tests and make essays in specialized laboratories.

At the end, we know that we have a great product. Thus, our marketing department works hard to produce elegant and elaborate casings to our connecting rods.

Connecting Rod's traction essay

Connecting Rod's computerized simulations

Connecting Rod's packing


Our forged pistons were designed with structural reinforcements that let less material where is not necessary, verified in computerized simulations, reducing the final weight.

We designed our pistons with exclusive compression height to be used with others connecting rods dimensions, increase the engines setup options.

The Spyder piston are sold in two top's shapes: flat and dish. The top's surface is machined in CNC and finish with polishment.

Computerized simulations showing the reinforced points details

Distribution of the piston's force in Computerized simulation

Detonation test in dinamometer: detonation were purposely caused
to check a piston's surface with no detonations traces

Pistons Pin

The pistons pins have a special internal geometry: conic geometry. This design allows less material and significant weight relief.

Our piston pin resistence is certificate in essay at specialized laboratory.

Pinston Rings

Our Piston Rings DLC series are made of carbon-steel with DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) process that provides more hardness and lightness to the ring material.