Our engineering department can guarantee a perfect product development to guarantee customer satisfaction and continuous sales!

The auto part core: Engineering

The engineering department conducts studies and detailed analysis of automotive components, creating and using virtual models, modern concepts and processes with next-generation software. This work results in the design of new products and ongoing modernization of existing ones. We use the latest technology, applying the knowledge gained from countries like Germany, United States, France and Britain, as well as whole South Amercia, to needs high performance market. Through the agency of the Department of Engineering, we also conduct a rigorous quality control in all our products, performing essays and tests in specialized laboratories.

Testing: dinamometer

We take our engine to the limit, in our dinamometer. This indispensable equipment let us make tests with several auto parts since pistons and connecting rods to turbos and valves. This is the way to ensure that our products are exactly what our projects intended to achieve: the customer's safety of had made the best choice in auto parts at the world market.

We test our engine parts to exaust, so you can overcome your engine's limit.

More testing: Flowbench

Super Flow
We use the computer-controlled SF-1020-SB (SuperBench). SuperFlow’s most advanced flowbench is designed for demanding engineers and professional racers. With the SF-1020-SB, we can measure and record air flow at OEM engineering accuracy. We can test intake valves, air cleaners and carburetors, or test exhaust valves, exhaust systems and two-cycle cylinders. The SF-1020-SB provides accurate digital airflow measurement and control, takes pressure and temperature measurements, handles all corrections and displays digital read-outs for corrected flow, test pressure and velocity probe.

Important thing about turbo: Turbo Balancing

turbo balancing
The most important thing to do after choice your turbo is make sure that your turbo cartridge is perfectly balanced. This improve the turbo's life time and performance. All of our turbos are tested and balanced under high rotation. Each testing and balancing process can reach more than 200.000rpm. With the Turbo Techinics Machine VSRMK4 - one of the best balancing machines in the world - we can take precisely the point that we have to adjusting and working on the rotor of the turbo. And it all has only one purpose: 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed around the world.